Thursday 27 February 2014

Lush BubbleGum Lipscrub


As we all know the lip scrubs by Lush are by far one of the most popular producs by Lush and to be fair I can understand why! 

The actual scrub is made out of sugar and it acts as an exfoliator to get rid of the dry skin on your lips and to remove all flakes so this product is a life saver especially in the winter!  Not only is it an exfoliator for your lips but it tastes and smells of bubblegum which is a plus!  

Directions to use the scrub is to load it onto your lips with your finger leave it for a bit and lick it off or you could just leave it to evaporate.  

It prices at £5.95 for a little pot which may seem pricey but it's completely worth it and lasts a life time!  And of course it's worth every penny because of Lush's principles and morals against animal testing so if you're umming and arring over the product then just go and get it!! 

Saturday 22 February 2014

Lush's Vanishing Cream

As you can see above this is the Vanishing Cream by Lush and I would just like to take this moment and say how much of a gods send this is!  It is absolutely amazing!  If you have a hint of redness to your skin (like me) then this will work wonders, it is great for soothing the redness and calming it down!  It also reduces oil too and can work with dry skin!
One thing I love about this cream is the fact that it's made with absolutely no shitty chemicals and it's all natural which will be great for the skin!
The only down side to this product is the fact that it's £17.75 which is a bit pricey but it's worth it!  Any questions just ask :)) 

Welcome ☺️

As you are all aware, I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now but I've never found the right time to and I was worried incase no one read it but I asked you lot on Instagram if anyone read it and you all said that you would so lets go for it :)) 

Fuck knows how this blog is going to turn out seeing as I haven't got a clue what I'm doing but let's give it a go!  The original plan was to blog about beauty products and review them but i am interested in fashion to!  I might also blog about certain things I get up too :)) 

I would appreciate it if you guys let me know how you think I'm getting on also!