Tuesday 8 April 2014

My way on how to ignore bullies and just general arseholes

I can guarantee there will be one time in your life where you have felt shit and down due to someones actions and words.  It might have been a one off situation or it still might be happening right now, I'm sorry to tell you but if you are still getting ongoing abuse from someone for no reason whatsoever then this is bullying.

People wanted me to write a blog post on how you can ignore bullies and how to deal with them, I think people are looking for answers due to having no idea on how to cope with these horrible dickheads.  In school we are taught that bullying is wrong and that it shouldn't happen so why does it still occur?  Why do people still feel the need to make fun of certain people and discourage them for no reason?  Well, people are fucking horrible that's why.  Some people feel big and clever to take the piss out of more vulnerable people, people who they know won't say anything back to them.  Bullies tend to find targets and victims, these people are more likely to be quiet and stand out from the crowd however they might just be shy individuals.  

Often the bullies themselves are popular people and people tend to look up to them because they are popular and they immadiately think they are cool, because the bullies are the ring leaders in most cases people will do whatever they are told by them and just follow them.  Bullies will find someone who will be quiet and can say things to them and they know this person won't say anything back then other people will join in to bully them.  Often, people can bully people for the way they look and dress, when I was growing up I used to get absolutely slated for how I dressed even though I wouldn't call it bullying.  I took it on the chin though because I realised that these people saying this are just lonely fuckers who have nothing better to do with their time.  One thing I realised though as to why bullies do what they do is because they are looking for attention and praise and they want to feel big, by doing this they put other people down.

Ways on how to cope with bullies:
  1. Stand up for yourself.  As soon as you stand up for yourself they will back off, trust me.  Standing up for yourself takes so much confidence and it's a fucking scary thing to do I know but it has to be done in order for them to fuck off and leave you alone.
  2. Do not get physical.  This will not sort anything.  You might want to start a fight with them to show them that you're not as pathetic as they think you are but this will just be the worst thing to do because you will get in so much shit for it.
  3. Be clever.  You could walk straight up to them and just go 'aww, such a shame that you have to be horrible to me to make yourself feel better.' this will shock them, especially in front of their friends.
  4. Stick your middle finger up to them and just say 'fuck you.' I've done this many of times and no one bothers me now :) 
~ Leigh.x


  1. This is truely amazing thank you! <3

  2. Loved this!
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  3. Thank you and I will have a look at it now x
